Ziauddin University

College of Molecular Medicine

College of Molecular Medicine

Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine (ZCMM) stands as a trailblazer in Pakistan, pioneering advancements in the study of diseases at the molecular and genetic levels with strong research perspective. The college offers a comprehensive array of programmes, including BS, MPhil and PhD degrees. Using advanced technologies, the college researches the molecular foundations of diseases and develops novel treatments.

The focus is to translate fundamental research findings into clinical and translational applications, ultimately aiming to enhance patient care. Beyond training young minds, ZCMM is committed to providing advanced education to clinicians, offering a unique molecular perspective on disease. By bridging the gap between physicians and scientists, the college fosters collaboration and strengthens the healthcare system’s essential pillars for optimal services.

Through this interdisciplinary approach, ZCMM promotes synergistic partnerships to propel transformative advancements in medical research and practice. Graduates emerge with a profound understanding of disease mechanisms at the molecular level, equipped with extensive hands-on training in basic and clinical research methodologies. They are prepared to play pivotal roles in developing novel therapies and driving medical innovation on a global scale.

In a World where healthcare demands continue to escalate alongside rapid scientific and technological progress, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine stands at the forefront of basic, translational, and clinical research. The college is dedicated to harnessing the latest advances in molecular biology to revolutionise clinical medicine and advance healthcare technology.

The vision is to advance world-class molecular genetic research in medicine with translational impact, addressing clinical needs and striving for both local and global recognition while providing high-quality healthcare benefits.
The mission is to develop a deep insight into the molecular genetic mechanisms of human health and disease with innovative techniques that translate into effective tools for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases at par with international standards. We aspire to create a transformative impact by encouraging medical scientists to delve into evidence based medicine for critical health challenges and translate innovations and discoveries into optimal healthcare.

Prof. Dr. Talat Mirza

MBBS, M.Phil., Ph.D. Principal,
Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine Executive Director, Research, ZU Meritorious Professor of Pathology

Dr. Shumaila Usman

B.S. (Biochemistry), Ph.D.
(Molecular Medicine) Associate Professor, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Dr. Ambrina Khatoon

BSc. (Hons), MSc, Ph.D.
(Biotechnology) Associate Professor, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Dr. Abdul Hameed

BSc. Hons. (Microbiology), Ph.D.
(Molecular Medicine), Post Doc (Molecular Medicine) Associate Professor, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Dr. Rehan Imad

BS.MT. (Clinical Laboratory Sciences),
Ph.D. (Molecular Medicine) Assistant Professor, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Dr. Aisha Ishaque

BS (Biochemistry), Ph.D. (Molecular Medicine)
Assistant Professor, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Mr. Moazzam Shahid

BS (Biochemistry), Ph.D. scholar (Biochemistry) Senior Lecturer, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Ms. Urfa Kiyani

BS (Microbiology), M.Phil. scholar (Molecular Medicine) Lecturer, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Ms. Laiba Jawed

BS (Medical Technology), M.Phil. scholar (Molecular Medicine) Lecturer, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Administrative team

Ms. Saba Farooq

MA Economics, M.Ed Manager, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine

Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman

Masters of Public Administration (Finance) Academic Coordinator, Ziauddin College of Molecular Medicine


The Research Laboratories (MDRL 1 & MDRL 2) at Ziauddin University provide:

  • Cell and molecular biology, genomic and proteomic facilities
  • Services include training on all equipments, guidance on experimental design and technical assistance in all equipments operation
  • Cell culture facility
  • Imaging facility with high resolution microscopy
  • Immunohistochemistry facility
  • Nucleic acid extraction in Biosafety Level 2 cabinet
  • Real Time PCR
  • Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Microbial Genomics Lab
Multi-Disciplinary Research Laboratory-1 (MDRL-1)

Molecular Biology Section

Molecular Biology Section in MDRL 1 is well equipped with the following instruments:

  1. Agilent AriaMx Real Time PCR
  2. Conventional Thermal cycler for PCR
  3. Gel electrophoresis unit
  4. Analytical balance
  5. Refrigerated centrifuge
  6. Gel documentation system
  7. Multi-scan sky spectrophotometer
  8. Fridge
  9. -80°C Freezer
  10. Vortex machine
  11. Water bath
  12. Heat block

The following experiments can be performed in the MDRL 1 lab:

  • Nucleic acid extraction and quantification
  • Conventional PCR
  • Agarose gel electrophoresis 
  • Real-time PCR for gene expression, viral load, allelic discrimination, high resolution melt curve, SNP, and mutational analysis
  • RFLP analysis
  • ELISA studies
  • Sample storage facility
  • DNA, RNA, and protein estimation in various samples.

Cell Culture Research Unit 

The following equipments are available in the cell culture facility of MDRL 1.

  1. Class II Biohazard Safety Cabinet
  2. Nikon Ts2R-Fl Microscope
  3. CO2 Incubator
  4. Floid cell Imaging station
  5. Centrifuge
  6. Automated Cell Counter 
  7. Fridge
  8. Liquid Nitrogen Tank

With the ability to perform the following assays

  • Tissue culture
  • Revival, subculturing, and cryopreservation of cell lines.
  • Primary cell culture
  • Isolation, propagation, and differentiation of stem cells
  • Cytotoxicity assay
  • Cell migration and invasion assay
  • Immunocytochemistry
  • Apoptosis assay
  • Cell proliferation/viability assay
Multi-Disciplinary Research Laboratory-2 (MDRL-2)

Histology and Cell Biology Unit

A well-established Histology & Cell Biology lab was established in 2018 at Ziauddin University with the following equipment:

  1. Nikon Ts2R-FL inverted microscope
  2. Dissecting Microscope 
  3. Microtome
  4. Fume hood
  5. Magnetic stirrer
  6. Shaking water bath
  7. Water bath
  8. Oven
  9. Hybridizer

With the capability to perform the following experiments 

  • Animal dissection 
  • Tissue fixation 
  • Tissue processing
  • Paraffin embedding 
  • Thin Tissue sectioning 
  • Hematoxylin and eosin staining
  • Special staining
  • Immunohistochemistry/ Immunocytochemistry

Bioinformatics Lab (MDRL-2) 

In the spirit of the ZU for academic excellence and expansion into new areas of research, a new bioinformatics section has been established in MDRL 2 with the following aims in mind:

  • It will fulfill the need for molecular level research and development of highly-qualified manpower for ZU as it will have high configuration storage mandatory for Bioinformatics, which has now become a very important tool for next level investigations.
  • It will conduct and contribute to the cutting-edge of modern research in genomics and bioinformatics, as an additional adjunct facility. 
  • Currently, we launched a high configuration system.
  • The analysis taken with this system is of high quality, hence would increase the chances of research article publication in high impact factor international journals. 
  • The ultimate goal is to enable personalised genomics medicine to become commonplace.

Microbial Genomics (MDRL-2) 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation in the scientific world has changed tremendously and since its burst, 90% of the articles published are related to SARS-CoV-2 research. Microbial Genomics played a key role in dealing with such a threatening situation, and strongly believe to make a difference in the future as well. In this demanding and changing era of open science, accessible digital and biological data is the key to the fight against challenging infectious diseases. In this regard, we took the initiative to start the active Microbial Genomics research laboratory at MDRL-2 lab, ZU, to equip ourselves to meet the challenges in the future as the infrastructure and knowledge are far more important than they were in the previous decade. 

The basic infrastructure of the Microbial Genomic section is ready, for the execution of research projects. 

The following equipments are available in the Microbial Genomic facility of MDRL 2.

  1. Class II Biohazard Safety Cabinet
  2. Thermal Shaking Incubator 
  3. Microscope 
  4. Centrifuge
  5. Cold storage facility 
  6. Fridge

With the ability to perform the following assays

  • Microbial growth
  • Transformation
  • Plasmid extraction
  • DNA purification
  • Cell proliferation/viability assay
Animal House

The mission of the Animal House facility is to facilitate animal use in research at Ziauddin University in the research areas of Molecular Medicine, Pharmacology, Pathology, Anatomy, Biochemistry and  Rehabilitation Sciences.

It provides housing facilities of rats and mice for the researchers to conduct their animal related experiments in controlled environment.

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