Research department at the Ziauddin University is a directorate to form central hub for all research activities by the faculty of health sciences (FHS). We participate in the policy making, governance, oversight and conduct of research process across ZU.
Our vision is to enhance the University’s research profile with successful contribution to health care and education through a major impact of MPhil, MD, MS and PhD projects in addition to faculty research. Therefore, we strive to develop resources and guidelines for our research scholars with a bench to bedside and bench to industry approach. In this regard there has been a phenomenal upgradation of the multidisciplinary high technology research laboratories with a striking uplift of structured postgraduate teaching and training programs.
The basic science research is focused on the investigation of etiopathogenetic mechanisms of diseases at molecular genetic level. We have launched MPhil program in Molecular Medicine to promote a physician scientist relationship and invite the clinicians to work at par with international standards. Moreover, PhD program in Molecular Medicine is already in pipeline.
The clinical evidence-based research is promoted to update disease trends and risk factors generating data for preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic strategic planning. The projects are also designed for the determination of safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment protocols.
Conclusively we hope to pave the way to a brighter future with bold and novel solutions for national and global health challenges.
Executive Director Research & Meritorious Professor Pathology Head Department of Molecular Medicine
Research excellence in all fields of study is central to the mission of Ziauddin University and a pinnacle priority, as the key element to the success of the University’s academic profile needs to be preserved. Education at ZU would not be complete without its vital research community. The Health Sciences Research Program encompasses several faculties and departments across ZU campuses that contribute to a rich atmosphere. A wide range of research and clinical facilities for student learning and innovation are present on different campuses with extensive interaction between the basic science and clinical faculty. The Faculty of Health Sciences including the College of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Rehabilitation, Speech-language & hearing sciences offer unparalleled opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation in health sciences education and research. The expertise of many Health Sciences faculty covers a broad spectrum of disciplines that includes both basic science wet-lab research and clinical research in human health and disease, with a provision of expanding graduate programs to be offered in Medicine, Pharmacy and Allied Health Disciplines. All are in the continued pursuit of ever-greater accomplishments in research through our commitment to innovation, excellence, and quality. We share new knowledge for educating and inspiring tomorrow’s leaders as university education is all about the generation of new knowledge through research. Furthermore, ZU faculties maintain active research laboratories that are exploring existing questions, spanning from the most basic to the most translational aspects of health sciences.
To be recognized as the icon of innovative cutting-edge basic applied and translational research.
Advancing research and developing the University’s reputation as the most renowned private sector academic research-based institution. Cutting-edge clinical and translational research- bringing medical innovation to patient care and industry. Promotion of independent research projects in all fields of degree-based programs with a drive for lifelong learning through creativity, innovative research and commercialization. Ensuring that research meets the highest ethical and quality standards through open transparent processes.
The Department of Research maintains active research laboratories as commercial facilities that are exploring existing questions, spanning from the most basic to the most Translational aspects of Health Sciences research. The state-of-the-art research and diagnostic facility (MDRL 1, 2 and 3) is available at Ziauddin University with the provision of advanced instrumentation and provision of following facilities:
Equipment Available
Equipment Available
Equipment Available
Equipment Available
Equipment Available
Equipment Available
Ziauddin University is offering core lab services at an affordable cost to the researchers. This includes RNA isolation, DNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, Gene expression, Gene polymorphism studies, Reverse Transcription, Primer Designing, PCR, RFLP, Gel Electrophoresis, Gel Imaging, Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis, ELISA, HPLC, Routine and Specialized Histological Techniques along with high-resolution microscopy and advanced imaging technology. Core personnel continue to stay abreast of technological advances. It is encouraged to contact research scientists to arrange for a consultation or to provide feedback. Faculty is available to develop projects of all caliber, standard or custom assay design, and any other specialized application needs
The Research Department’s overarching aim in supporting international research collaboration is to maximize ZU’s contribution to and benefits from international and national research collaborations and partnerships.
Following Research Committees operate for the supervision, monitoring, and advocacy of research.
Total no. of students supervised & co supervised by the Research faculty at ZU: 75
International HEC recognized journals including
Total No. of Publications from 2018-2023 are: 125
Title of Award/ Honor | Forum/ conferring authority/ organization name, contacts | Any award/ prize/ certificate or relevant received. | Brief Details of work honored |
Dr. Yamna Khursheed | EMBO | Travel Grant to attend EMBO Practical Course: The fundamentals of high-end cell sorting, Heidelberg, Germany, 30 Oct – 4 Nov 2022 | Full Funding for the practical training, poster and oral presentation |
Dr. Abdul Hameed, Best Research Presentation Award | Primary Care Diabetes Association (PCDA) Confernce 2022 | Shield for token of appreciation/Cash prize/Certificate/fully funded | Best oral presenter award in the field of diabetics research |
Dr. Abdul Hameed, Best Research Presentation Award | 3rd Physiology Resonates and Ozonizes Biological Existence (PROBE), by Department of Physiology during February 21-23, 2022, Karachi, Pakistan. | Shield for token of appreciation/Certificate/fully funded/ Registration | Best oral presenter award in the field of diabetics research |
The Department of Research is routinely organizing workshops to promote the professional development of the faculty and student with capacity building in research, enhanced productivity, and improved university ranking on the following topics:
“Conferences Conducted by the Research Department
Tel: 92-21-35862937-9, Fax: 92-21-3586294
Email: [email protected]
Ext: 2366
MDRL-1: 2361
MDRL-2: 2263-2362-2364