Ziauddin University


The College of Speech Language and Hearing Sciences (CSLHS) and the Association of Children with Emotional and Learning Problems (ACELP) are partnering to offer a Diploma in Multi-Rehabilitation of Children with Special Needs (Dip MRSN). This programme is designed for teachers and therapists working with special needs children in mainstream schools, special schools, and rehabilitation centres. 

The Dip MRSN will teach you how to identify different types of disabilities in children (physical, sensory, emotional, and cognitive), as well as how to use effective teaching practices for children with special needs. The curriculum employs adult learning concepts (andragogy) to foster a collaborative learning environment in which participants can share their experiences and expand their understanding of special education.

Course Venue

ACELP, Institute of Child Development, Rafiqui Shaheed Road, Karachi.


The duration of the course will be six months, during which course participants will be expected to study on Friday evening and Saturday morning, defining this as a part time program.

For theory classes::

  • Friday,             3 pm to 5:15 pm
  • Saturday, 9 am to 1:30 pm

For practical training, trainees are required to make themselves available on working days

The examination will be conducted jointly by the ACELP and CSLHS-ZIAUDDIN UNIVERSITY.

Course Description

This course is designed for educators (teachers, teacher aides), related school personnel, and parents of children with special needs. The programme- equips participants with knowledge and strategies to identify and teach these students.

The course uses a blend of instructional methods:

  • Building a strong knowledge base
  • Providing practical tools and strategies
  • Completing a case study on a student with special needs
    • Identifying physical, behavioral, and educational needs
    • Developing a customised educational plan
    • Implementing and monitoring the plan
  • Group activities to enhance learning and collaboration
  • Reflection on learning experiences

The course participants who are teachers should have at least 2 years’ experience teaching in a school and have at least a graduate degree.


ACELP 197/8 Rafiqui Shaheed Road, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan-75530 

Phone: 0330-3002839

Email: [email protected]


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