The postgraduate degree program in Department of Pharmacy Practice inculcates candidates with the exemplary skills required to excel in the field. The career pathways after completing M. Phil or Ph.D. in Pharmacy Practice are among the most common career options for pharmacists, which elevates their position among other potential candidates as now more knowledge and expertise in their field is consolidated. However, there are various specializations when it comes to M. Phil and Ph.D., which prepares students for different roles in the industries and in health care sectors.
Post graduate degree of pharmacy practice assists students in magnifying their knowledge about a particular section of the discipline and making them experts in that field. The fields are:
Post graduate degree of pharmacy practice assists students in magnifying their knowledge about a particular section of the discipline and making them experts in that field. The fields are:
- Clinical Research
- Therapeutics and Monitoring
- Hospital Management System
- Community Pharmacy Practices
- Pharmacovigilance
- Regulatory affairs