Cardiac perfusion is the study of extracorporeal medical procedures during open-heart surgeries and transplantation in order to support, regulate and temporally replace the patient’s respiratory and circulatory system. The cardiac perfusionist is the core member of the open-heart surgery team. Their role is to prepare and operate Heart-Lung Machine and other complex machinery during cardiovascular surgeries, in highly stressed situation.
To perform their task, perfusionist is taught comprehensive courses to develop an in-depth knowledge of respiratory and circulatory system and how pump and oxygenator will replace the function of Heart and lungs during surgery. Cardiac perfusionist uses their expertise during cardiovascular surgeries in assisting surgeons and physicians and can also work as a teacher and researcher in research institutes. Placements of perfusionist are at Hospitals and at times they are hired by individual surgeons. Moreover, Perfusionist is appointed by industries that manufacture supplies and equipment related to perfusion.
Keeping in view the local and global needs, the College of Medical Technology initiated B.S. Medical Technology in Cardiac Perfusion – a well-balanced comprehensive program in which students are exposed to extensive learning and practice, clinical skills, academic activities and research studies.
Ziauddin University offers Cardiac Perfusionist to practice their skills at Ziauddin Hospital under the supervision of Perfusionist, Physicians and Instructors during their undergraduate studies. The degree requires completion of hands-on clinical training, during which candidates must perform a certain number and variety of clinical perfusion procedures. This experiential learning is critical to the preparation of perfusionist who must be able to respond to a wide variety of situations that may occur in the operating room. The in-house training enables the trainee to apprehend the operation of machineries used during the surgeries.