Ziauddin University

Alumni Reunion

Alumni Reunion

Ziauddin University is marking its 25th Anniversary by inviting alumni from across more than two decades to take part in the Grand Alumni Reunion 2021, taking place over the course of three days in December 23-25.

The University has a very rich treasure in their alumni. Our Alumni has excelled in every sphere of life and apart from being responsible citizens they are holding high positions across the globe. The university is proud of its alumni and I wish them and their families a bright, happy and healthy future ahead.

The focus has been to renew our strong relationships with successive batches of our alumni. Many of you have continued to support us in so many different ways – as employers, visiting faculty and lecturers, and most importantly through your moral support and encouragement.

We look forward to having you remain involved in so many different ways and providing us the opportunity to keep you informed on what is going on through the Alumni Relations Office.

I wish that this Grand Alumni Reunion 2021 brings a new era of joy and enlightenment.

For further details please contact Alumni Relations Office at 021-35862937 Ext 2383, 2384 or email at [email protected]

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