Ziauddin University

BS Electrical Engineering Technology

Electrical Engineering Technology involves the study of machines, equipment, and systems related to electricity. The Department of Electrical Engineering at Ziauddin University, North Nazimabad, Karachi, offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Electrical Engineering Technology, typically spanning four years (8 semesters) as an evening programme. This programme is approved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and accredited by the National Technology Council (NTC).


To provide an environment to enhance and groom the young generation to become technologists with excellence.

Programme Educational Objectives

PEO 1: To nurture graduates with comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience, leading them towards successful careers as electrical technologists.

PEO 2: To equip graduates with the ability to demonstrate technical expertise and effective communication skills for addressing engineering technology problems of broad scope.

PEO 3: To cultivate graduates who apply ethical and professional standards, while also embracing an entrepreneurial spirit that contributes to the socioeconomic advancement of society.

Programme Learning Outcomes


An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, Engineering Technology fundamentals and Engineering Technology specialization to defined and applied Engineering Technology procedures, processes, systems or methodologies.


An ability to Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems reaching substantiated conclusions using analytical tools appropriate to the discipline or area of specialization.


An ability to design solutions for broadly- defined Engineering Technology problems and contribute to the design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.


An ability to conduct investigations of broadly-defined problems; locate, search and select relevant data from codes, data bases and literature, design and conduct experiments to provide valid conclusions.


An ability to Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern technology and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems, with an understanding of the limitations.

PLO 6: THE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST AND SOCIETY: An ability to demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to Engineering Technology practice and solutions to broadly defined Engineering Technology problems.


An ability to understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of Engineering Technology work in the solution of broadly defined Engineering Technology problems in societal and environmental contexts.


Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of Engineering Technology practice.


An ability to Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams. 


An ability to communicate effectively on broadly defined Engineering Technology activities with the Engineering Technologist community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.


An ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Engineering Technology management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member or leader in a team and to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.


An ability to recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in specialist Engineering Technologies

Scope and Opportunities

An Electrical Engineering Technology Graduate is capable of:

  • Developing electrical products, conducting electrical system testing, engaging in technical sales, and providing field service
  • They get employed by electrical power generation and transmission companies, construction firms, and manufacturing industries

HSSC (Pre-Engineering / Computer Science), A-level, or DAE (in Electrical/Electronics or a relevant trade) with 50% marks and above.

Semester 1st
 Semester I 
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELH-111Islamic Studies3+0
ELH-112Social Ethics
ELE-111Communication Skills3+0
ELQ-111Calculus & Analytical Geometry2+0
ELN-112TApplied Physics2+0
ELN-112LApplied Physics0+1
ELC-111TInformation and Communication Technology2+0
ELC-111LInformation and Communication Technology0+1
ELT-111Electrical Workshop0+2
Semester 2nd
 Semester II 
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELH-121Pakistan Studies3+0
ELQ-121Differential Equations2+0
ELN-122TNumerical Analysis2+0
ELN-122LNumerical Analysis0+1
ELM-121Project Management3+0
ELC-121TComputer Programming2+0
ELC-121LComputer Programming0+1
ELT-121TLinear Circuit Analysis2+0
ELT-121LLinear Circuit Analysis0+1
ELT-122Environment, Health and Safety1+0
Semester 3rd
 Semester III 
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELH-211Professional Ethics3+0
ELE-211Technical Report Writing3+0
ELQ-211Linear Algebra2+0
ELT-211Technical Drawing0+1
ELT-212TElectronic Devices and Circuits2+0
ELT-212LElectronic Devices and Circuits0+1
ELT-213TLogic Circuits and Applications2+0
ELT-213LLogic Circuits and Applications0+1
ELT-214TElectrical Network Analysis2+0
ELT-214LElectrical Network Analysis0+1
Semester 4th
 Semester IV 
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELT-221TInstrumentation and Measurements2+0
ELT-221LInstrumentation and Measurements0+1
ELT-222TElectrical Machines2+0
ELT-222LElectrical Machines0+1
ELT-223TSignals and Systems2+0
ELT-223LSignals and Systems0+1
ELT-224TMicro-Controller Systems2+0
ELT-224LMicro-Controller Systems0+1
ELT-225TElectrical Power Transmission2+0
ELT-225LElectrical Power Transmission0+1
ELI-221TBasic Mechanical Technology1+0
ELI-221LBasic Mechanical Technology0+1
Semester 5th
 Semester V 
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELT-311TControl Technology2+0
ELT-311LControl Technology0+1
ELT-312TCommunication Systems2+0
ELT-312LCommunication Systems0+1
ELT-313TElectrical Power Distribution and Utilization2+0
ELT-313LElectrical Power Distribution and Utilization0+1
ELT-314TSwitchgear and Protective Devices Technology2+0
ELT-314LSwitchgear and Protective Devices Technology0+1
ELT-315TIndustrial Drives and PLC 2+0
ELT-315LIndustrial Drives and PLC 0+1
ELT-316Final Year Project – I0+3
Semester 6th
 Semester VI 
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELT-321TRenewable and Alternative Energy Technologies2+0
ELT-321LRenewable and Alternative Energy Technologies0+1
ELT-322TSmart Grid Technology2+0
ELT-322LSmart Grid Technology0+1
ELT-323TSensor Networks2+0
ELT-323LSensor Networks0+1
ELI-321TBasic Civil Engineering1+0
ELI-321LBasic Civil Engineering0+1
ELT-324Final Year Project – II0+3
Semester 7th
 Semester VII 
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELT-411Supervised Industrial Training – I0+16
Semester 8th
 Semester VIII 
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELT-421Supervised Industrial Training – II0+16
Social Sciences
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELH-211Professional Ethics3+0
ELH-212Organizational Behavior3+0
ELH-213Sociology for Technologist3+0
ELH-214Critical Thinking3+0
ELH-215Professional Psychology3+0


Management Sciences
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELM-121Project Management3+0
ELM-322Leadership and Personal Grooming3+0


Natural Sciences
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELN-122TNumerical Analysis2+0
ELN-122LNumerical Analysis0+1


Breadth Electives
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELT-225TElectrical Power Transmission2+0
ELT-225LElectrical Power Transmission0+1
ELT-313TElectrical Power Distribution and Utilization2+0
ELT-313LElectrical Power Distribution and Utilization0+1


Depth Electives
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELT-314TSwitchgear and Protective Devices Technology2+0
ELT-314LSwitchgear and Protective Devices Technology0+1
ELT-315TIndustrial Drives and PLC 2+0
ELT-315LIndustrial Drives and PLC 0+1
ELT-321TRenewable and Alternative Energy Technologies2+0
ELT-321LRenewable and Alternative Energy Technologies0+1
ELT-322TSmart Grid Technology2+0
ELT-322LSmart Grid Technology0+1
ELT-323TSensor Networks2+0
ELT-323LSensor Networks0+1


Interdisciplinary Technology Electives (IDTE)
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ELI-221TBasic Mechanical Technology1+0
ELI-221LBasic Mechanical Technology0+1
ELI-321TBasic Civil Engineering1+0
ELI-321LBasic Civil Engineering0+1
  • Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering Technology have diverse career prospects, including roles as engineering technologists, electrical technicians, and project managers in industries such as manufacturing, power, and telecommunications.
  • They can work on the implementation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of electrical systems, equipment, and automation technologies, ensuring efficient and reliable operations.
  • Career paths also include opportunities in quality control, technical sales, and support, with potential for advancement into leadership or specialized roles in areas such as control systems, renewable energy, or industrial automation.
Admission Processing Fees Admission Fees Security Deposit (refundable) Student Activity Fee (Per Semester) Semester Reg. Fee (per semester)
2,500.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00
Electrical TECH.(50%) Eve Programme ( 4 Years)
Admission Fee 15,000
Security Deposit(refundable) 5,000
Total at the time of admission 20,000
Per Month Fees 04 Years 8,500
Note: Any additional taxes imposed by the government will be the liability of the students/parents/guardian. The University reserves the right to increase the fees if required according to the recommendation of the Governing Body. At the time of admission, selected candidates will be required to deposit fee either under Option 1 or Option 2. Therfore monthly or semester fee will be deposited by students within two weeks of commencement of every semester in advance accoring to the official notification on the notice board. 2% surcharge per month will be levied on outstanding fees after the due date. The students claiming exemptions from any course or courses will be required to pay exemption fee @ Rs. 2,500/- per subject in the beginning of semester. Fees once deposited are not refundable, except security deposits, for any reason whatsoever.
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