Ziauddin University

BEd (Hons) Elementary 4 Years


To harness and maximize the human potential and capabilities by achieving recognition for the outstanding academic performance in teacher education, educational research, and professional and educational development services. 


The Ziauddin College of Education is committed to providing educational solutions for academic challenges by improving teaching and learning and providing leadership in service and outreach, through engaging schools to organize communities of practice for teachers and strengthen school development programmes.

Certificate Courses: Credit bearing /Non-credit
  • Continuous Professional Education (CPE) for partner schools’ teachers
Pre-service Degree Programmes

(As per HEC New Scheme of Studies (2013) & Road Map (2015) for B.Ed. (HONS) Admissions)

  1. After Graduation – 2 & 1/2 years = (14 + 2 1/2) first 6 month Zero /bridging semester, then 2 years B.Ed. (HONS) degree
  2. After Masters – 1 & 1/2 years = (16+ 1 1/2) 1.5 year B.Ed. (HONS) degree (qualify for Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools)
  3. After Inter 4 years (12 + 4) = 4 year B.Ed. (HONS) Elementary degree
  4. After an Associate Degree in Education (ADE) aspiring teachers can take admission in semester 5 of B.Ed. (HONS) Degree Programme and complete 4 semesters in 2 years.
In-service Degree Programme (as approved by HEC)
  1. In-service B.Ed. (HONS) 2.5 and 1.5 Years degree program in Education for graduate and postgraduate teachers as an Alternate Pathway
  2. In-service teachers can also take on weekend classes (Saturday) from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  3. In-service postgraduate teachers especially government teachers can take on the evening classes from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm (5 days a week) for 3 semesters, and complete 54 credits during 3 semesters to earn the B.Ed. (HONS) degree.

Please note: Graduate students opting for alternate pathways to complete B.Ed. (HONS) the degree will take an additional semester for 18 credits.The postgraduate students will take 3 semesters to earn the B.Ed. (HONS) degree

Additional Information:

  1. An application processing fee of Rs 2,000 will be charged at the time of initial registration.
  2. If the students choose to exit after one level, they can join the next level after a gap of one semester without registering again as a student.
  3. If a student returns to join a course after a gap of two terms, they will need to register as new students after paying the application processing fee of Rs 2,000.
  4. No student will be admitted without taking the Placement Test.
  5. 80% attendance is required to sit for the final exam for certification purposes.

A minimum score of 60% is needed to become eligible for certification for any level/course.

  • Based on 45 % pass marks in the entry requirement certificate/degree.
  • Entry Test in English and Logical reasoning with 60 %
  • A scenario-based interview is 40%.
  • Pass marks in the Ziauddin Admission test are 6o%.

Although teaching school children is the main focus but the interdisciplinary approach of the programme prepares graduates to see education holistically and prepare them to serve in any leadership role in education. 

The graduates can avail following Career Opportunities 

Subject teachers /Professional Development Teachers 

Textbook Developers 

Test Items Designers 


They can get jobs in many other related fields too like publishing houses, education consultancies, career consultancies, study abroad agencies, newspapers, education departments, and educational websites.

Examination FeePKR 10, 000 (per semester)
Course FeePKR 30, 000
Admission FeePKR 5, 000 (One time)
Student Activity FeesPKR 10, 000 (Annually)
Security DepositPKR 5, 000 (Refundable)
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