Ziauddin University

BE Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering encompasses the study, design, and application of equipment, devices, and systems that utilize electricity and electronics. The Department of Electrical Engineering at Ziauddin University, North Nazimabad, Karachi, offers a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) program in Electrical Engineering, typically spanning four years (8 semesters) and conducted in the morning. This program is approved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and accredited by the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).


To provide an environment to enhance and groom the young generation to become engineer with excellence.

Programme Educational Objectives

PEO 1: To produce graduates that are technically skilful and competent to formulate, analyse and solve complex engineering problems using appropriate technological tools and techniques.

PEO 2: To produce employable graduates with effective communication skills that successfully & ethically practice electrical engineering and technology-related fields.

PEO 3: To produce graduates motivated for lifelong learning through research and entrepreneurship.

PEO 4: To produce graduates with the capacity to work as an effective team member and strong leadership qualities

Programme Learning Outcomes

PLO 1:  Engineering Knowledge:

An ability to apply knowledge of Electrical Engineering fundamentals, applied mathematics, management science and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex Electrical Engineering problems.

PLO  2: Problem Analysis:

An ability to identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex Electrical Engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using Electrical Engineering principles, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PLO  3: Design/Development of Solutions:

An ability to design solutions for complex Electrical Engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PLO  4: Investigation:

An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.

PLO 5:  Modern Tool Usage:

An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

PLO 6:  The Engineer and Society:

An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.

PLO 7:  Environment and Sustainability:

An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

PLO 8:  Ethics:

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.

PLO 9:  Individual and Team Work:

An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.

PLO 10: Communication:

An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PLO 11: Project Management:

An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.

PLO 12: Lifelong Learning:

An ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.

HSc., (Pre-Engineering) or A-Level (with Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry) or DAE in (Electrical / Electronics), with 60% and above.

Pre-Medical Students can also apply. (*Zero Semester is mandatory.)

Duration of Programme

BE Electrical Engineering

04 Years 

Semester 1st
First Year – Semester I
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.Pre-requisite
HS-105Functional English2+0–
NS-109Calculus and Analytical Geometry3+0–
EE-103TLinear Circuit Analysis3+0–
EE-103LLinear Circuit Analysis0+1–
CS-100TIntroduction to Computing1+0–
CS-100LIntroduction to Computing0+1–
HS-101Islamic Studies2+0–
HS-102Ethical Behavior–
NS-105TApplied Physics3+0–
NS-105LApplied Physics0+1–
Semester 2nd
First Year – Semester II
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.Pre-requisite
NS-112Differential Equations3+0–
HS-114Communication and Presentation Skills3+0(HS-105) Functional English
EE-101Workshop Practices0+1–
HS-103Pakistan Studies2+0–
CS-104TProgramming Fundamentals3+0(CS-100T) Introduction to Computing
CS-104LProgramming Fundamentals0+1(CS-100L) Introduction to Computing
EE-108TElectronic Devices and Circuits3+0(NS-109) Calculus and Analytical Geometry
EE-108LElectronic Devices and Circuits0+1(EE-103L) Linear Circuit Analysis
Semester 3rd
Second Year – Semester III
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.Pre-requisite
ME-101TBasic Mechanical Engineering2+0–
ME-101LBasic Mechanical Engineering0+1–
NS-221Complex Variables and Transforms3+0(NS-109) Calculus and Analytical Geometry
EE-212TDigital Logic Design3+0(EE-108T) Electronic Devices and Circuits
EE-212LDigital Logic Design0+1(EE-108L) Electronic Devices and Circuits
CS-211TData Structure & Algorithm3+0(CS-104T) Programming Fundamentals
CS-211LData Structure & Algorithm0+1(CS-104L) Programming Fundamentals
EE-211TElectrical Network Analysis3+0(EE-103T) Linear Circuit Analysis
EE-211LElectrical Network Analysis0+1(EE-103L) Linear Circuit Analysis
Semester 4th
Second Year – Semester IV
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.Pre-requisite
CV-105TBasic Civil Engineering2+0–
CV-105LBasic Civil Engineering0+1 
NS-201Linear Algebra3+0–
EE-234TInstrumentation & Measurements3+0(EE-108T) Electronic Devices and Circuits
EE-234LInstrumentation & Measurements0+1(EE-108L) Electronic Devices and Circuits
EE-232Electromagnetic Field Theory3+0–
EE-231TSignals and Systems3+0(NS-221) Complex Variables and Transforms
EE-231LSignals and Systems0+1(NS-221) Complex Variables and Transforms
EE-214Computer Aided Engineering Drawing0+1(CS-100T) Introduction to Computing
Semester 5th
Third Year – Semester V
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.Pre-requisite
EE-325TElectrical Machines3+0(EE-211T) Electrical Network Analysis
EE-325LElectrical Machines0+1(EE-211L) Electrical Network Analysis
EE-324Probability Methods in Engineering3+0(NS-109) Calculus and Analytical Geometry
HS-222Technical Report Writing3+0(HS-105) Functional English
EE-355TPower Distribution & Utilization3+0(EE-211T) Electrical Network Analysis
EE-355LPower Distribution & Utilization0+1(EE-211L) Electrical Network Analysis
EE-326TIntroduction to Embedded Systems3+0(EE-212T) Digital Logic Design
(CS-104T) Programming Fundamentals
EE-326LIntroduction to Embedded Systems0+1(EE-212L) Digital Logic Design
(CS-104L) Programming Fundamentals
Semester 6th
Fourth Year – Semester VI
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.Pre-requisite
EE-354TElectrical Power Transmission3+0(EE-211T) Electrical Network Analysis
EE-354LElectrical Power Transmission0+1(EE-211L) Electrical Network Analysis
HS-302Organizational Behavior3+0–
NS-321Numerical Analysis3+0(NS-109) Calculus and Analytical Geometry
EE-341TLinear Control Systems3+0(EE-231T) Signals and Systems
EE-341LLinear Control Systems0+1(EE-231L) Signals and Systems
EE-331TPower System Analysis3+0(EE-211T) Electrical Network Analysis
EE-331LPower System Analysis0+1(EE-211L) Electrical Network Analysis
Semester 7th
Fourth Year – Semester VII
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.Pre-requisite
EE-XXXTDepth Elective-I3+0–
EE-XXXLDepth Elective-I0+1 
MS-478Project Management3+0–
MS-413Engineering Economics3+0–
EE-451Electrical Power Generation3+0(EE-211T) Electrical Network Analysis
EE-471Final Year Project – I0+3–
Semester 8th
Fourth Year – Semester VIII
EE-XXXDepth Elective – II3+0–
EE-452TCommunication Systems3+0(EE-231T) Signals and Systems
(EE-324) Probability Methods in Engineering
EE-452LCommunication Systems0+1(EE-231L) Signals and Systems
(EE-324) Probability Methods in Engineering
EE-481Final Year Project – II0+3–
 Total Credit Hrs.135 
BE Electrical engineering (List of Electivies)
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
ME-101TBasic Mechanical Engineering2+0
ME-101LBasic Mechanical Engineering0+1
CV-105TBasic Civil Engineering2+0
CV-105LBasic Civil Engineering0+1
Depth Elective – I
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
EE-352TPower Electronics3+0
EE-352LPower Electronics0+1
EE-353TPower Electronics and Industrial Drives3+0
EE-353LPower Electronics and Industrial Drives0+1
EE-453TPower System Protection3+0
EE-453LPower System Protection0+1
EE-466TDigital Control Systems3+0
EE-466LDigital Control Systems0+1
Depth Elective – II
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
EE-454Power System Stability & Control3+0
EE-464Renewable Energy Systems3+0
EE-462Advance Electrical Machines3+0
EE-463High Voltage Engineering3+0
EE-469PLC and Industrial Drives3+0
EE-474Smart Grid3+0
Social Sciences Elective (SSE)
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
HS-302Organizational Behavior3+0
HS-403Professional Psychology3+0
Management Sciences Elective (MSE)
CodeCourseCr. Hrs.
MS-478Project Management3+0
MS-413Engineering Economics3+0


A BE Electrical Engineering opens up a wide range of career prospects for graduates such as:

Electrical / Electronic Engineer, Control Systems Engineer, Power Systems Engineer, Renewable Energy Engineer, Telecommunications Engineering, Instrumentation Engineer, Entrepreneur, Academic and Research Positions.

HSc., (Pre-Engineering) or A-Level (with Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry) or DAE in (Electrical / Electronics), with 60% and above.

DescriptionAmount (PKR)
Admission Processing Fees2,500
Admission Fees10,000
Security Deposit (refundable)5,000
Student Activity Fee (Per Semester)2,000
Semester Registration Fee (per semester)5,000
First Semester Credit Hours Fee (17 * 2,700)45,900
Examination Fees 1st Semester4,250
Tuition / Semester Credit Hours Fee45,900
Miscellaneous Charges45,000
Income Tax @5% 
Total Fee at the time of admission117,150
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