ZUFESTM BBA program prepares students to attain the educational objectives by ensuring that students demonstrate achievement of the following learning outcomes:
PLO1:Â Â Business Management Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Supply Chain and Human Resources fundamentals to the solution of complex business situations.
PLO2:Â Â Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, analyze complex business problems and reach substantial conclusions using business management principles.
PLO3:Â Â Communication: Ability to communicate effectively orally as well as in writing on complex business activities with the business community as well as with the society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations and deliver and receive clear instructions.
PLO4:Â Â Ethics: Ability to identify ethical and social problems that arise in the business environment and to resolve them.
PLO5:Â Â Best Practices: An ability to apply theoretical applications of business administration in the functional areas of business.
PLO6:Â Â Team Work: An ability to understand the importance of team work and leadership in order to achieve long-term and short-term organizational goals.
PLO7:Â Â Diversity: An ability to understand the importance of cultural diversity and interpersonal skills especially in the work place.
PLO8:Â Â Modern tools Usage: An ability to understand systems and the ability to use modern software tools to apply and interpret functional business knowledge.
PLO9:Â Â Entrepreneurship: An ability to have entrepreneurial qualities and styles and the ability to demonstrate them accordingly.
PLO10:Â Global Prospect: An ability to identify business opportunities and challenges of an evolving global environment by identifying and analyzing relevant global factors that influence decision making and develop viable alternatives in an international business.
PLO11:Â Legal Knowledge: An ability to demonstrate an understanding of the law and its application to business units.
PLO12:Â Social Responsibility: An ability to understand issues related to CSR involving different stakeholders and make effective decisions.