Ziauddin College of Dentistry is now a fully functional dental institution with several graduated batches under its umbrella since 2010. This time it has gained an enviable reputation for quality of dental education and training. Every effort is made to ensure consistency in quality of student intake and our dedicated faculty work to ensure that the full potential of the student is realized. In our subsidized training clinics a strong emphasis is given to clinical skills that are essential for the dental practitioner. With time and with the development of the college and faculty, we have improved student facilitator academic interaction and added more value added clinical services. Our students are also actively involved in community oral health issues and care, participating in school and free dental camps in the low income and deprived communities around the area.
In order to help offset the paucity of specialists in oral health care the College has postgraduate M.Phil programmes in and a running MDS in various clinical and basic science disciplines. We are also recognized by the CPSP for Clinical training for the FCPS in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Operative Dentistry. We hope to expand further in this field.
Mervyn Hosein
FDS RCSE (Edin.); FDS RCS (Eng.); FFDRDCSI (Irl.)
Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Principal, Dentistry
Ziauddin College of Dentistry